Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A real 'service station'!!

So yesterday was a pupil free day at school... staff only. It's kind of annoying to be the teacher and have to attend on student free days! Anyway, school is so much more inviting and less of a hassle without the kids. The day on the whole was quite slow and a little uninteresting. The staff met to talk about National Partnerships and then Behaviour management. I remembered why students want to put their heads down and sleep when the class isn't that exciting. Haha. We had a lovely staff BBQ for lunch though, and I spent some time socialising with the other young teachers. The afternoon was dedicated to planning and I was able to go home free from homework on Monday night.

Today has quite literally been my favourite day on prac. I taught all day and I rarely had to raise my voice!! We talked through some new behaviour management strategies as a class and worked out a way for me to get their attention without having to yell. From then on we had a fun productive day. I actually was able to laugh and joke with the kids today... something I haven't been able to do so far because of the continual behaviour problems. I'm starting to feel like a real teacher, and it feels so good! :)

The kids continue to make me laugh...
Today I was preparing them to head outside for morning tea. The bell had already rung and most of the kids were watching me, waiting for my signal to leave the room. Some however continued to talk. Instead of hushing the talkative ones, I just made eye contact with the waiting kids one at a time and they left the room for lunch. One boy continued to talk flat out, he was facing away from me and didn't seem to notice that kids were gradually disappearing from the room. Finally he and the boy he was talking to were the only ones left. I called his name and he turned to face me and kind of gave a confused look to the rest of the empty room. I asked him if he had noticed the other kids leaving. He hadn't. He gave me such a cute, kind of amused, kind of guilty little look as I pointed out the evils of talking in class... I laughed so much.

I got petrol for the first time out here this afternoon. And guess what?? The lady actually came out of the shop and served me! That is the first time I have ever had a service station do that for me! I was so excited and glad that I didn't have to do it myself! Country people really do know about service. :)

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