Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bring on Week 4...

I've spent my Sunday afternoon planning for week 4. This week I am responsible for all teaching duties. I will have my class all to myself Monday - Thursday. On Friday I will be in Toowoomba for my Education QLD interview!

The weekend has been fairly good. I spent Saturday catching up with things like washing, shopping and cleaning. It was a pretty restful day... I even got to take a siesta in the afternoon... such bliss. :)

When Erin and I sent shopping on Saturday morning, I ran into many of my kids in the shops and street. They are always so excited and surprised to see me, sometimes I think that kids don't imagine that teachers have lives outside of the school. I bought raffle tickets from one of my girls in the Tara Scouts... just like a nice, supportive teacher... she was so pleased with me. I enjoy seeing the kids outside of school, it feels more like a community out here than it does in big city schools.

Erin and I thought we would check out the one clothing store in Tara... so we walked into "the Modern Trend" as it is called. We walked around for a bit, checking out the clothes, and a guy in his high-vis work clothes came to us. He fished through a dress rack and pulled out a red, rather raunchy dress. He held it up and said something like, "you girls are nice and tall, this would look good on you." He then checked the dress size, "It's a 12 though," he says and then proceeds to actually openly look us both up and down. "I don't think either of you would be a 12," he says, and then, "No, I reckon about a size 10!" He must have taken our sort of shocked/bemused silence as a yes, and says, "I'm pretty good at taking sizes." We both made non-commital answers and quickly left the store. Haha... we walked about 10 metres down the street before we looked at each other and started laughing... Some people out here are so strange and so rude! I must say, it is a rather unpleasant experience to be looked up and down so obviously! We certainly won't be making any return trips to "The Modern Trend".

On Saturday night I went out to the home of one of my students for Bible study. It was a great night, hanging out with some of the young Christian families in Tara. They were studying 'the way of the master' series, so we talked about sharing our faith. I really enjoyed the Christain company. I think my student is going to think that he can't escape me though... I'm at school, at church and have now even been to his home. Haha.

This morning I played violin in church. It's great to be adopted as part of the community so quickly, and great to be able to find a community church. Three of my students were at church this morning, and were very excited to come up to me after church and ask me about my violin and beg for different activities at school on Monday. 

Erin roller-blading in the house...

Very girly, un-gangster me and my gangster housemate...

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