Friday, October 8, 2010

First days...

We arrived on Saturday afternoon at about 5:30pm in cute little Tara. From the welcome to Tara sign, all you can see is the water tower and some grain silos in the distance. We parked in the main street (with its 10 or so shops) and tried to call the lady who was arranging our accommodation. After no answer for the first half hour, we sat down in the local bar to wait and drink lemonade. Finally she called and told us to go to the Tara Hotel Motel (the Hoey Moey according to the kids) for the night because our house wasn’t furnished yet. The Hotel Motel definitely wasn’t 5 star, but it was ok for a night… better than an unfurnished house anyway.
On Sunday I went to the Grieger family get-together, which was coincidentally only half an hour from Tara. An encouraging family member told me that the kids in the next town to Tara had burned their school down only earlier this year. When I got back to Tara on Sunday afternoon, we had a house with beds, an oven, a fridge and a washing machine. It’s quite a nice house and conveniently located at the end of the same street as the school. Our lack of furniture was entertaining on Sunday night as we sat preparing for school on the furniture-less living room floor.
School began on Monday with parade. I’m sorry to say that the lack of music education in the primary school was painfully obvious as the kids sang the national anthem.
My kids are super cute… all 23 of them. They talk too much and don’t listen as well as I would like, but I can’t help but love them!

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