Friday, October 15, 2010

It's Friday!!!

It's Friday again! The rain is back and the air is cold. I'm not sure that I believe it when people tell me that Tara is hot and dry anymore!
I've been busy with teaching and planning over the last few days. I'm starting to settle into the workload and Joel seems more willing to allow me to take whatever I can manage. I've had some wins and some losses in the last days with the kids. They seem to have good days and bad days.

Yesterday I taught a maths lesson that went down so well I let them out of the detention they had been accumulating all day. At the end of that lesson I felt on top of the world... I didn't have to raise my voice, tell anyone off or get cross. Even better, the kids understood the work and were able to complete their tasks with a high success rate! I was so pleased and they were pretty happy with themselves too! Those great teaching and learning moments get me through all the nonsense that they give me during the rest of the week!

Today didn't go down so well; I had my feet stood on three times by various wild children, sorted out numerous disputes and detentions, dealt with a bird in the classroom, had a mouse run under my feet as I sat at my desk and didn't get a lunch break due to the wet weather. At the end of the day Joel just gave me a kind of amused look and said, "That wasn't very nice was it?" No, it really wasn't. Wet weather brings out little monsters in even the best kids.

The kids give me many reasons to laugh throughout the day though. they do and say some of the most comical things. In Joel's maths lesson this morning, one of the kids was mucking around with his ruler. Joel was so sick of him that he told the boy to put his ruler in the bin. I fought laughter as the kid got up and trudged to the bin and sadly threw away his ruler. It still makes me giggle even now... he looked so forlorn.

Well, in the last two days I received two packages in the mail! Perfect encouragement for difficult days! One from mum with lots of fun things; pictures, photos, curtains and such to decorate my room, and one from Emily with CHOCOLATE!!! YAY!!! I spent yesterday afternoon beautifying my bedroom. While it's not exactly what I would like to have as permenant decoration, it's a whole lot better than bare walls and bedsheet curtains! Thanks so much mum and Emily!!!

My room after decoration... you can't see the full effect very well, but it looks great! :)

 Thanks Emily!!!!! :D

Tomorrow I plan to head into Dalby to shop and get a change of scenery. It's meant to get really cold out here over the weekend, so I might just invest in some more warm clothes!

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