Friday, October 22, 2010

Artsy days...

So today was Friday again! YAY! Halfway through internship now! I had a pretty exciting day with the kids, covered a lot of SOSE and Indigenous issues, and finally got to do some artwork with them!

Happily painting our Indigenous wall display...

Today Erin and I were also able to celebrate the addition of a table and chairs to our little home. haha. We celebrated Friday and the table with chips, salsa and softdrink!

Erin's car missing tyres after the tyre slashing incident. Her dad arranged for Dalby Beaurepairs to come and take the tyres and fix them. So the car is awaiting the return of its wheels.

We are probably getting a new housemate on Sunday. One of the new teachers is in unhappy accommodation circumstances... she is allergic to cats and the other teacher she is living with is allergic to cigarette smoke... so they can't remain together in the same house. This lady is about 50ish and very alternate looking, she is the new art teacher in the high school. Apparently she keeps odd bedtimes, smokes, is Irish, eats the food from your fridge and is quite odd. I guess we shall just have to wait and see... nothing works out quite like you expect out here... so anything could happen. Hoping it's not a horrible housemate situation...

Erin and I are getting ready for a big Friday night out in Tara... a movie at home on the laptop. :)

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