Monday, October 11, 2010

Chicken and Crushes

My lessons went well today… I taught writing, orchestrated the reading groups and taught SOSE in the afternoon. The kids were chatty like usual and pretty frustrating at times, but Joel seems happy with my lessons and teaching.

Kids are funny. Sometimes when they are difficult to manage the strange things they say make it all worth while. One of my boys said to me today: “Hey Miss, how old are you?” I asked him how old he thought I was and he replied, “Oh, about 40?” I laughed a lot; sometimes they have no idea.

This afternoon during SOSE, I sent one girl to her desk for talking and didn’t pay her any further attention for a while. After the lesson Joel brought me a notebook that he had confiscated from her during the lesson. In it she had set out each page with a different heading. Some of these were: the ‘cool’ page, the ‘stupid’ page, the ‘boys I have a crush on’ page, and a poem for a dumped boy. Again, I could only laugh. I’m not sure how I will deal with the notebook at school in the morning though.

After school Erin and I decided to make baked chicken for dinner. We had put the chicken in the fridge to thaw during the day, but it was still frozen. So we put it in a container and carried it down the street to the house of the other contract teachers to defrost in the microwave. They weren’t home yet when we arrived, so Erin and I wandered further down the street for a while with the chicken. When we returned they were back and, as we thawed the chicken, they told us about their resident mice and the rough day they had had in the high school. I’m glad I only have to deal with the little kids! We left their house, having borrowed another dish and went back down the street bearing the thawed chicken before us. I laughed and laughed as people drove past with high school students in their cars. I can just imagine the questions tomorrow for Erin in the high school: “Hey Miss, was that chicken you were carrying down the street yesterday afternoon?”

I won’t know what to do when I move back to civilisation and have proper cooking facilities again! Never a dull moment in Tara! J

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