Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Green Vomit...

Well, the week is half over. It’s ‘hump day’ according to Erin and the teachers out here. On Wednesday night they have dinner and drinks at the local pub to celebrate making it through half of the week. I haven’t yet attended a ‘hump day’ dinner, but I shall have to make an effort before the end of internship.

Lovely sunset outside of my house... :)

The last two days have gone fairly well. Joel and I have been sharing the teaching load quite equally and I have moved into the teacher’s desk. YAY!! Joel allows me to run the class for the most part and invite him to teach whenever it is his turn. I love being able to manage more of the movement and general housekeeping activities that need to be done in a day. The kids are also starting to respond better to me and I am fighting less for their attention as they realise that I’m serious about consequences for misbehaviour. I enjoy teaching much more when they are attentive!

I had a girl complaining of headaches this morning. She refused to work so I let her put her head on the desk for a while. She still looked a bit off after lunch, but seemed ok. As we sat down to take the afternoon roll, she leaned forward and threw up iridescent green vomit all over the carpet beside me. I don’t think I responded for about 5 seconds. I kind of just stared in horror with no idea what I should do. I called for Joel and he took her out of the room while I shifted the rest of the kids and continued marking the roll. Thankfully we were heading out of the classroom for the afternoon. The smell of vomit combined with the sand stuff that they tip over it to remove it from the carpet is just revolting. I felt sick all afternoon… hopefully whatever bug she has is not catching! Poor kid! That was my excitement for the day.

Last night, Erin and I went over to the other contract teachers’ house to hang out and watch a movie after we finished our planning. The choice of movie wasn’t that great, but it was nice to forget about school for a while and talk and joke around with other adults. They have mouse problems in their house, so I helped them set a rap trap for the mice with peanut butter on it. When we finished the movie, we found all the peanut butter gone and the trap still set and ready to go. Haha. Obviously the little mice aren’t big enough to spring the trap!

Thankfully we don’t have mice in our house, just mozzies and frogs…

A sample of the frogs that dwell en masse around our house...

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