Monday, November 15, 2010

Last Day in Pictures...

I packed up my stuff on Thursday night so that I would be ready to leave straight after school on Friday afternoon...

All that was left in my room on Friday morning... :)

Honora and I in the kitchen....


Taking the role for the last time...

My lovely 4B kids!!!! :) Only 1 child was missing...

Smart moves time....

Playing the times table game...

Maths investigation...

The cake that Joel brought for me and the kids! :)

So my time in Tara is up. It was great and it was difficult all at the same time. I'll definitely miss my kids, but I'm so glad to be home again! :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Final days....

Some pictures from my last days in Tara... gonna miss my lovely kids....

Helping kids with their picture books....

Today, one of my girls brought in a cake for me to say goodbye. She insisted that she made it herself... and I believed her. Haha. I decided to share it with all the kids at morning tea. The cake was so so hard that I had to use both hands on the knife to cut it up!! Joel laughed and laughed! It did taste good though, and it definitely was the thought that counts! :)

Maths bingo and times table time.... :)

Guided reading groups... my lovely cheetahs....

Mid-week dinner at the Commercial with some of the other teachers....

Monday, November 8, 2010

Less than 100 hours left!!!

I am so excited for the end of this week! Monday can be ticked off of my list of days left before I come home now. :)
Actually, the children made me reluctant to leave today. Either they were having a great day, or they have realised how little time they have left to impress me, but their behaviour today was so good I almost thought I had the wrong kids. Haha. When I lined them up for assesmbly, they listened. They sat quietly through assembly, they listened to the roll without rudeness. They even played games outside in Smartmoves without fighting or calling over me. They worked with dedication on their stories for 45 solid mins, they listened attentively during maths and completed their work. They even kept up the good behaviour after lunch and WOW! I am a happy teacher! :)
If every day were as good as today, they would be a delight to teach. When they listen, I'm able to lighten up with them and laugh about things. We just have so much more fun together. I have really enjoyed them though, even on the difficult days. Each little personality is so delightfully cute. I've been trying to think of a suitable farewell gift for each one. :)
I will spend my evening tonight creating bingo boards... sigh... haha.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

6 days to go!!!

I know I haven't posted on here for almost a week now. I guess life got a little too hectic.
My week hasn't been the best, but it's improving now. Mum and Anna came to visit on Monday night and stayed through until Thursday morning. That was great and they cheered me up immeasurably! :)
I'm missing home pretty badly now though, and just can't wait for internship to be over. 6 weeks away from everything known seems an awfully long time.
Mum, Anna and I with our early morning faces... :)

The kids have also been pretty tricky this last week. Joel has been out of the room more and they have been giving me all their wonderful tricks. They spent quite a lot of time in detention. Hopefully next week will be better. On Friday morning I thought I was going to have to take the day off. I woke up dizzy and weak... almost fainted a couple times... felt very nauseous... and had a sharp pain in my side. Honora helpfully, or unhelpfully, suggested Appendicitis. I made it to school just on the bell and Joel kindly taught all day for me. I'm feeling much better today, so I haven't any idea what caused it. Perhaps I am just too tired.

I've spent today marking assessment and thinking about what I'll teach next week. I'm already starting to think about what I can pack up to come home. Haha. I guess that shows how keen I am to leave. Tomorrow I will be playing violin in church again. :)